It is necessary to protect thermal insulation materials and the buildings themselves from the penetration of steam and the appearance of condensate. It is worth distinguishing vapor barrier and waterproofing – the first prevents the penetration of steam, and the second – the penetration of water.
When working with various thermal insulation materials, it is also necessary to calculate vapor barrier, but there are materials that already have a vapor barrier barrier, for example, a penophy. In the characterization of the foam, and similar thermal insulation materials, it is stated that the installation of the material can be carried out without additional vapor barrier. The page about Penophol () explains that its vapor permeability is almost perfect, so it can be installed without vapor barrier. If you decide to buy a penifle or any other thermal insulation material, you can contact a specialized company, such as Baustroy, in which you can ask for the assistance of the manager.
A vapor barrier barrier for thermal insulation allows you to buy one material instead of two. The advantage of isolation with the steam barrier is that it excludes the second stage of installation of insulating materials, that is, it allows you to mount one layer of insulation, and not two or more. But the disadvantage is that insulation with a steam barrier is not used on structures that have already been applied to vapor barrier, since the second vapor barrier in this case will create a steam trap.
In most regions of the world, the application of vapor barrier is extremely recommended. Vapor barrier prevents the penetration of water inside the walls, floor, ceiling, which, in turn, prevents the appearance of rot, mold and fungi. As a rule, vapor barrier is facing the interior part of the house, since it should retain moisture of the room from penetration into the walls. In a very wet climate, vapor barrier can be placed on the outside of the house so that wet air from the outside does not penetrate the walls.
Moisture in the walls of the house is a problem, because because of it molds form, the fungus and structure begins to rot. In cold climate, vapor barrier is especially important, because it also protects thermal insulation. And if thermal insulation gets wet, then this not only threatens mold, but also a decrease in the effectiveness of the heat -insulating layer. In other words, in a cold climate you can use a lot of isolation, but without vapor barrier in the house it will still be cold if the thermal insulation layers are wet from moisture and steam. In addition, if water penetrates the isolation, and then during cooling it freezes, and then when warming it begins to melt again, this can lead to wall deformations and the loss of stability of structural elements.
Quite often they build a house, then apply vapor barrier, and then install thermal insulation. If vapor barrier is already applied, and you want to use thermal insulation with a steam barrier, then the previously applied vapor barrier can be perforated to allow moisture to pass through it.